So, recently, the electrical power in your house can be described as “Sometimes good, sometimes not so good”. Whenever you turn on the microwave or the hair dryer, the lights begin to dim and flicker. You just got the latest & greatest model for your entertainment center and a fuse immediately blows. “What’s the problem here??”, you ask yourself. There’s a good possibility that your house’s electrical service panel needs to be upgraded; it’s just too old.
These days, many of us have electrical devices that are constantly running. 24 hours a day. Even when our gear is turned off, as long as they are plugged in, they can still be siphoning electrical current. our older homes many times simply can’t keep up with the constant demand for power. If you believe your house may be due for an electrical service panel upgrade, you may want to consider contacting a licensed Orange County Electrician to help you properly address these concerns.
Time For An Upgrade
The clearest sign that your service panel needs to be upgraded is when your home’s electrical circuits just cannot stay on par with your daily needs. Your electrical service panel is probably being pushed to the brink when you need to unplug an appliance so that you can use a different one because if you don’t, the breaker gets tripped. If your lights are flickering when you’re doing certain things, it may be time for an upgrade. If your current service panel has the fuses that are screwed in, or if the amount of electricity available is under 200 amps, your electrical system is simply outdated. Typically, if your home is 20 years old or more, you should consider contacting a reputable Electrician in Orange County for some guidance.
The Waiting Game
We all know that home maintenance & repair doesn’t come cheap. This is especially true when it comes to your electrical system. But putting off maintenance & repair usually isn’t the way to go. Not only is an out-of-date electrical service panel a complete pain to deal with, it’s also creating a dangerous situation. If you picture it this way: you have a certain number of outlets, yet you still need to use extension cords and power strips. Each outlet is then working beyond what it was meant to. In today’s world, most of us have so many electrical devices:
- Televisions
- Computers
- Printers
- Home Entertainment Systems
- Ceiling Fans
any of these devices can be affected if a circuit blows because it simply couldn’t handle the demand. It just doesn’t take much for them to overheat. There’s also the issue of fire hazards. An outdated electrical service panel does have serious safety issues. To protect your family from harm & protect your home as well, it may be time to contact an experienced Orange County Electrician to see if it’s time to upgrade your electrical service panel. A newer panel means safety, reliability and much more convenience around your house. We all wince when it comes to the thought of upgrades to existing systems in our house, but it’s worth the investment.

OC Electrician 885 South Euclid Street Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 459-5005